Nashville Based Writer & Photographer


A Novel Project

Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to write a novel; a sprawling epic with an immersive world full of characters who readers could feel and identify with. It was always just a spark of a notion in the back of my mind that would surface from time to time after reading a really good book, but I never had a story that felt like it had legs.

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An Old Man by the Sea

It’s been two long years since I’ve sat at this table overlooking the Atlantic coast. Well, this is actually a new table, as our beach house was renovated some time during the pandemic. I say our beach house like it’s actually ours, we’ve just been here so many times that it feels like its ours. Every year since I’ve known my wife,

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The Latter Half of Life

I turned 40 years old this year, and if I’m being honest it kinda feels like the walls are closing in on me. I come from a family tree that leans toward a sedentary lifestyle with a litany of potential medical dramas lurking around the corner of each new and passing year.

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