Looking Back and Wishing Forward to 2021
Well today is the first day of 2021, and if I’m being honest I have mixed feelings about the coming year. One can only hope that it will be better than the last, but then there’s really no way to tell. The best we can do is to put our best foot forward and pray that God will have mercy on our souls this year.
In an effort to start the year off right, I’ve decided to make a few changes to my modus operandi. Namely I’ve decided to fast from all forms of social media for the month of January. For one, it’ll be nice to take a break, but second, and more importantly, I’m beginning to question the impact of social media on my photography and my general well being. I’m taking at least a month off to focus on becoming a better photographer, to read more books, to be more present and to build upon my real life relationships with family and friends.
A little self reflection…
Some other goals for this year are to put more time and effort into this website, to write every day, to photograph family moments more regularly, to stay physically active and to complete at least one epic multi-day bike trip. More broadly I want to savor and enjoy each day of life, to be more thankful for what God has given me, and to give more of myself to others. No biggie, right?
My wife tells me she doesn’t like to make resolutions, and I’m not typically one to make them either, but for me this year is different. 2020 taught me that the time we have here on earth is precious and limited, and that we should make the most of it while we’re here. I don’t want to live life passively anymore, or to live in fear of political unrest, pandemics, murder hornets or whatever other asinine mayhem that gets thrown at us. So yeah, this is a bit of a declaration for me to live life better.
I truly hope that 2021 finds us all in a better situation than 2020. It’s clear that there is more suffering to come, but may we handle it with more dignity and respect for each other. We are all loved equally by our Creator, and we could all take a few cues from Him on how to live moving forward into 2021.