East Nashville Thanksgiving Photo Walk
Well folks, today is Thanksgiving day which means that all across America families will be gathering together in groups of 8 or less, outdoors, masked and six feet apart. This morning my daughter had early swim practice so I decided to head over to East Nashville in the Five Points area to take some photos. The sky was dreary and so was I having not slept well last night. Needless to say the photos are a perfect reflection of the moody morning.
There was hardly anyone around minus a few dog walkers and homeless people on their way to who knows where. I played a brief game of cat and mouse with a lone finch on a sidewalk who kept ducking behind a gas main every time I approached with my camera. I would peer to one side and he would pop out the other, then we’d switch. This game played on for several minutes. He was too quick though and I didn’t get the shot.
I initially took a few shots on film with the Nikon, but I really wanted some immediate gratification and switched to digital for the remainder of the morning. It was a little eerie with the overcast skies and empty streets, and the illuminated signs seamed to glow with a halo effect. Below are several images from the day. I truly hope everyone can take a nice break from 2020 to enjoy this Thanksgiving.